Gardening Articles


Grown without regular sprinkler irrigation, eggplant seems to get larger and yield sooner and more abundantly. I suspect this delicate and fairly drought-resistant tropical species does not like having its soil temperature lowered by frequent watering. _Sowing date:_ Set out transplants at the usual

time, about two weeks after the tomatoes, after all frost danger has passed and after nights have stably warmed up above 50 degree F. _Spacing:_ Double dig and deeply fertilize the soil under each transplant. Separate plants by about 3 feet in rows about 4 feet apart. _Irrigation:_ Will grow and produce a few fruit without any watering, but a bucket of fertigation every three to four weeks during summer may result in the most luxurious, hugest, and heaviest-bearing eggplants you've ever grown. _Varieties: _I've noticed no special varietal differences in ability to tolerate dryish soil. I've had good yields from the regionally adapted varieties Dusky Hybrid, Short Tom, and Early One.

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