Gardening Directory


This charming half-hardy perennial succeeds best in light,loamy soil. It seeds freely, and roots rapidly by being pegged down. It is usual to take the cuttings in February, as spring-struck plants prove best both for growth and flowering. Place a score of

cuttings in a 48-sized pot containing 1/3 of drainage material, covered with 1 in. of rough leaf-mould, then filled to within 1-1/2 in. of the rim with equal parts of loam, leaf-mould, or peat and sand, with 1/3 in. of sand on the top. Make the soil firm at the base of the cuttings, and water level. It is, however, more easily obtained from seed raised on a gentle hotbed, and the plants thus raised are more robust and floriferous. It flowers in July. Height, 1 ft.

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Next: Verbena, Lemon-scented

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