In its broad sense cultivation is the treatment of the soil. Thus
understood orchard cultivation includes the sod mulch system as well
as the stirring of the soil with various implements. In its more
common and restricted meaning, however, cultivation is the stirring
the soil about plants to encourage growth and productivity. To have
the apple tree in sod was once the commonly accepted method of orchard
treatment--a method of neglect and of "letting well enough alone."
With the advent of more scientific apple culture the stirring of the
soil has come to be the more popular method. But within the last few
years an improved modification of the old sod method, known as the sod
"mulch" system, has attracted much attention because of the success
with which a few men have practiced it. For a correct understanding of
these practices and of the relative desirability of these systems we
must again turn to underlying principles and purposes.
It may be said on first thought that tillage is a practice contrary to
nature. But it accomplishes what nature does in another way. Tillage
has been practiced on other crops than trees for so long that we think
of it almost as a custom. There are, however, scientific and practical
reasons for tillage.
THE EFFECTS OF TILLAGE on the soil are three fold, physical, chemical,
and increasing of water holding capacity. Tillage affects the soil
physically by fining and deepening it, thus increasing the feeding
area of roots, and by bringing about the more free admission of air
warms and dries the soil, thus reducing extremes of temperature and
moisture. Chemical activities are augmented by tillage in setting free
plant food, promoting nutrification, hastening the decomposition of
organic matter, and the extending of these agencies to greater depth.
Tillage conserves moisture by increasing the water holding capacity of
the soil and by checking evaporation.
Of all these things which tillage accomplishes in a soil, two should
be especially emphasized for the apple orchard, namely, soil moisture
and soil texture. That moisture is a very important consideration in
the apple orchard the effects of our frequent droughts are ample
evidence. The amount of rainfall in the Eastern States when it is
properly distributed is fully sufficient for the needs of an apple
tree. By enlarging the reservoir or water holding capacity of the soil
and by preventing the loss of water by evaporation, an excess of
rainfall in the spring may be held for later distribution and use.
As a rule, the improvement of a poor soil texture is as effective as
the supplying of plant food and much cheaper. The latter is of no
consequence unless the plant can use it. Scientists tell us that there
is an abundance of plant food in most soils. The problem is to make it
available. Plant food must be in solution and in the form of a film
moisture surrounding the smallest soil particles in order to be
available to the fine plant rootlets which seek it. Good tillage
supplies these conditions. Can they be obtained equally well in
another way?
It is claimed by the advocates of the sod mulch system of orchard
culture that it also supplies these conditions. Humus or decayed
vegetable matter holds moisture. Grass or other mulch decaying in the
soil increases its humus content and hence its water holding capacity.
By forming a mulch over the soil evaporation may be checked to some
extent, although probably not as effectively in a practical way, as by
cultivation. If there is a good grass sod in the orchard, moisture and
plant food made available by that moisture are utilized, and if the
grass is allowed to go back into the soil it continues to furnish
these elements to the tree. But there is a rapid evaporation of
moisture from the surface of the leaves of grass. In fact, grass may
well serve to remove an excess of moisture in wet seasons, or from wet
Laying aside theoretical considerations, let us see what practical
experience teaches on this subject. We have the accurate data on a
large number of western New York orchards showing the results of
cultivation and other methods of soil management. These data are
overwhelmingly in the favor of cultivation. In Wayne County the
average yield of orchards tilled for five years or more was 271
bushels per acre, as compared with 200 bushels per acre for those in
sod five years or more but otherwise well cared for,--an increase of
thirty-five per cent. in favor of good tillage. In Orleans County,
under the same conditions, the increase in yield due to cultivation
was forty-five per cent. and in Niagara County it was twenty-two per
cent. Records were made on hundreds of orchards and the results should
be given great weight in determining the system to be practiced, as
intelligent consideration of trustworthy records is to be encouraged.
These results were obtained in one region under its conditions and it
is quite possible, although not probable, that other conditions might
give different results. There are, however, special conditions as will
be pointed out later, under which the sod mulch method might be more
advisable than tillage. It is cheaper, makes a cleaner cover for the
drop fruit, avoids the damage from tillage implements to which tilled
trees are liable, and can be practiced on lands too steep to till. It
often happens, too, that it fits into the scheme of management on a
general farm better than the more intensive and specialized system of
cultivation. And it must be remembered that we are dealing with this
question from the point of view of the home farm rather than of the
commercial orchardist. So that where the sod mulch gives equally good
results it would be preferred under these conditions.
Previous: Fruit Thinning
Next: Late Fall And Early Spring Plowing
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