Gardening Directory

Compost Heap

Get a heap of dead leaves and press and jam them downas closely as possible. Then take as much manure, in appearance, as you have dead leaves, and for each cartload have two bushels of unslaked quicklime and some earth. Now spread

upon the ground, in some out-of-the-way corner, a layer of the dead leaves, upon which sprinkle a layer of lime, and over that a thin layer of earth. Next lay on a covering of manure, then a layer of leaves, and one of lime and earth as before, and proceed in this way till all the materials are used up. It will be well, however, to give the heap a good watering whenever you come to the layer of leaves. This slakes the lime and hastens the decomposition of the vegetable matter. After letting it stand for about six weeks, begin at the top of the heap and turn it completely over, so that what was at the bottom will be at the top. Repeat this operation from time to time at intervals of six or seven weeks, until it has become perfectly friable and will powder through a garden-fork like dust. It will then be ready for use. This compost is invigorating to flowers of all kinds, and is so ready for them to assimilate.

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