Gardening Directory


From the middle of October to the end of November isthe best time for planting. To produce good crops the soil should be rich, deep, and well drained. The position should be somewhat cool and sheltered, and a liberal quantity of liquid

manure is beneficial. In dry seasons mulching may be resorted to with advantage. Cuttings are taken in autumn as soon as the leaves begin to fall. Select strong shoots about 1 ft. long. Cut the bottom end straight across, just below a joint, and with a sharp knife remove all the buds or eyes from the base to within a couple of inches of the top, so as to prevent the formation of suckers. Plant the shoots firmly 3 in. deep, in rows 1 ft. apart and 6 in. apart in the rows, on a north border. At the end of the second season cut back all leading shoots to two-thirds of their length. In after years remove weak and superfluous branches, as also any that are growing near the ground, but plenty of young wood must always be left on the bushes. The pruning may be done either in spring or autumn. The following varieties may be recommended:--Red, White, and Yellow Champagne, Wilmot's Early Red, Golden Drop, Ironmonger, and Warrington Red for dessert; while for preserving and culinary purposes Old Rough Red, Conquering Hero, Favourite, Broom Girl, British Crown, Ironsides, Lady Leicester, Thumper, Green Walnut, Leader, and Moreton Hero may be classed among the leading varieties. When grown in bush form ample room must be allowed between each to enable one to get round the bushes to gather the fruit.

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