Gardening Directory


Require a deep, rich, heavy soil. Where the ground is notsuitable it should have had a good dressing of rotten manure the previous autumn, and left in ridges during the winter. Level the ground, and make it very firm just before the

time of sowing. The seed should be sown early in March for the main crop and for salad and pickling Onions, and in August for summer use. Thin out to about 6 in. apart, excepting those intended to be gathered while small. The Tripoli varieties attain a large size if transplanted in the spring. The Silver-skins do best on a poor soil. For exhibition Onions sow in boxes early in February in a greenhouse; when about 1 in. high prick out, 3 in. apart, into other boxes; give gentle heat and plenty of air, and when they have grown 6 in. high put them in a cool frame until the middle of April, when they must be planted in the open, 1 ft. apart.

Previous: Oncidium Sarcodes
Next: Ononis Rotundifolia (Round-leaved Restharrow)

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