Gardening Directory

SPECIOSUM (scarlet)

Of wild, graceful, luxuriant and slendergrowth. Fine for covering walls and fences, festooning arches, etc. Plant at the beginning of October in an eastern aspect or at the base of a north wall, the soil and atmosphere being moderately moist. Bury the roots

4 in. deep. TUBEROSUM (yellow and red) is quite hardy, and may be planted in any situation. Generally a light, rich soil is most suitable. The greenhouse varieties may be increased by cuttings placed in sandy soil under glass. The tuberous-rooted kinds should be taken up in winter and kept in sand till spring, when they may be planted in a sheltered part of the garden. The annuals merely require to be sown in the open in spring. They flower in July, August, and September. Height, 1 ft. to 10 ft. (See also "Canary Creeper.")

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