Gardening Directory

Clematis (Virgin's Bower)

These plants like a dry situation. Theywill grow in smoky districts, and may be increased by cuttings of firm side-shoots under a glass in summer or by layers in September. With the protection of a greenhouse they come into flower early in

spring. They are the most beautiful of all flowering hardy climbers. The stove and greenhouse varieties are best planted in loam and peat, though they will thrive in any light soil. Any good garden soil suits the hardy kinds. The herbaceous varieties are increased by dividing the roots early in spring. They bloom at various periods. After they have ceased to flower, the Jackmanni and Viticella sections should be cut down to within 9 or 12 in. of the ground. The Patens and Florida do not require pruning; those of the Lanuginosa should be cut back moderately, but not too close. A good dressing of leaf-mould and manure should be dug in about November. Heights vary from 2 ft. to 20 ft. (See also "Traveller's Joy.")

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