Gardening Directory

Aristolochia Grandiflora

The pelican flower. This plant belongs to a family famed for the curious construction of their flowers, as well as for their medical qualities. In tropical America various species receive the name of "Guaco," which is a term given to plants that are used

in the cure of snake bites. Even some of our native species, such as _A. serpentaria_, is known as snake-root, and is said to be esteemed for curing the bite of the rattlesnake. It is stated that the Egyptian jugglers use some of these plants to stupefy the snakes before they handle them. _A. bracteata_ and _A. indica_ are used for similar purposes in India. It is said that the juice of the root of _A. anguicida_, if introduced into the mouth of a serpent, so stupefies it that it may be handled with impunity. The Indians, after having "guaconized" themselves, that is, having taken Guaco, handle the most venomous snakes without injury.

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